We are a Christian Ministry whose purpose is to encourage Christians to pray. While doing this, we proclaim Jesus Christ to those who have never accepted Him as their personal Lord and Saviour.
"The Purpose of The Knowing Christ Deeper™ is to promote and encourage prayer among all Christians everywhere, and in so doing, to bear witness of Jesus Christ to all people everywhere."
Why does God want Christians to pray? There are three main reasons. The first is: to show us His great love for us by answering our prayers. The second is: to change us. When Christians pray, we grow closer to God, closer to our Lord Jesus Christ.
We become better Christians as we allow Christ to live the Christian life through us.
We become better witnesses of Christ to a lost world. The third reason is: to change the world. When Christians pray, God releases the power of the Holy Spirit to anoint His work in this world, to accomplish His Will.
Prayer is one of the main ways through which God has chosen to release His power to His people, His representatives on Earth, His church; and to accomplish His Will in the World. God also uses Faith, Hope, Love, His Word, and Sovereign Acts. One or more of these (or even all) may be working together at the same time. The power is God's, the power of the Holy Spirit.
God is Sovereign. God is not limited to using mere men, but He has chosen to use mere men and women when we pray to Him in Jesus' Name.
The Knowing Christ Deeper™ seeks to "get Christians praying" so that God's work on Earth can receive more of God's power, the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish God's will.
Why has God chosen to use our prayers as a channel for releasing the power of the Holy Spirit on Earth? Certainly He could do it without us. It is the same with preaching.
God has chosen to anoint our testimony of Jesus Christ, and the Word of God, with the power of His Holy Spirit. He has chosen to work with and through His people to accomplish His Will. It is an honor that astounds and amazes us, leaving us in a state of reverent awe.
God wants Christians to pray. God has chosen to release the power of the Holy Spirit for God's work on Earth in answer to our prayers.
The Bible teaches that all Christians, though not called to the ministry of Evangelist, are called to be witnesses of Christ.
Of His death and shed blood on the Cross for our sins. Of his Resurrection and the offering of His blood before God in Heaven, that we might obtain forgiveness of our sins and enter into a relationship with God, being Born-again from above to new life as sons of God.
We believe that the same is true of Christian ministries, as of individual Christians.
The Purpose of The Knowing Christ Deeper™ is to encourage and motivate Christians to pray. And to lift up Jesus Christ. For He has said that when we do this, He will draw all men unto Himself.
Though we are called to a ministry to Christians, we believe that all Christian ministries are also called to lift up the Name of Jesus to those who are not Christians.
God has chosen that His work on Earth should be strengthened, furthered, and increased in intensity and magnitude through the prayers of His people.