“. . . choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. . . .”
Your choice must be a deliberate determination— it is not something into
which you will automatically drift. And everything else in your life
will be held in temporary suspension until you make a decision. The
proposal is between you and God— do not “confer with flesh and blood”
about it (Galatians 1:16).
With every new proposal, the people around us seem to become more and
more isolated, and that is where the tension develops. God allows the
opinion of His other saints to matter to you, and yet you become less
and less certain that others really understand the step you are taking.
You have no business trying to find out where God is leading— the only
thing God will explain to you is Himself.
Openly declare to Him, “I will be faithful.” But remember that as
soon as you choose to be faithful to Jesus Christ, “You are witnesses
against yourselves . . .” (Joshua 24:22). Don’t consult with other Christians, but simply and freely declare before Him, “I will serve You.” Will to be faithful— and give other people credit for being faithful too.
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