All of us have been stirred by what we've been seeing on television or
reading about on the Internet this week, as we've heard about
individuals and families affected by Typhoon Pablo and recently the
Flood. This event is already being referred to as the greatest natural
disaster in our nation's history. And, as is often the case when a calamity like this occurs, people are wondering about where God fits into the picture.
The Scriptures say that God actually speaks to us through storms,
through catastrophes and through disasters like Typhoon Pablo and Flood.
The question is: Are we listening? Are we paying attention to what God
is saying to us?
What are we to think of our God as we consider the devastation of Typhoon Pablo? And how are we, as His followers, to respond?
We teach our children to pray at mealtime, "God is great, God is good,
let us thank Him for our food." But events like these force us to
reexamine that assertion. Is God great? Is God good? If God truly is
great, could He not have prevented this disaster? And if God truly is
good, wouldn't He want to prevent this kind of devastation? We have
friends, co-workers and family members who are asking themselves that
question this week.
My conviction is that God is great and God
is good, and Typhoon Pablo, floods has done nothing to change that. In
fact, I believe we are called on, as followers of Christ, to worship the
God of the storm and to see that God is to be glorified as the God who
is at work in the midst of these events.
We must respond in grace and in prayer;
** by acknowledging God's Sovereignty
** by submitting to God's Authority
** by reflecting God's Glory
Behind the storm, we must see the all powerful God who directs the wind
and the waves. Psalm 104:4 tells us that God makes the wind His
messengers. Psalm 147:18 says, "He causes the wind to blow and the
waters to flow." Who controls whether a levee holds or gives way? God
does. Consider Psalm 135:6-7, which says,
Whatever the Lord
pleases, He does, in heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deeps.
He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth; Who makes
lightnings for the rain, Who brings forth the wind from His treasuries.
May we find strength, comfort, and hope in the midst of the STORMS in life. "Lord, draw us close to You! In Christ Name, Amen."