Perseverance is more than endurance. It is endurance combined with
absolute assurance and certainty that what we are looking for is going
to happen. Perseverance means more than just hanging on, which may be
only exposing our fear of letting go and falling. Perseverance is our
supreme effort of refusing to believe that our hero is going to be
conquered. Our greatest fear is not that we will be damned, but that
somehow Jesus Christ will be defeated. Also, our fear is that the very
things our Lord stood for— love, justice, forgiveness, and kindness
among men— will not win out in the end and will represent an
unattainable goal for us. Then there is the call to spiritual
perseverance. A call not to hang on and do nothing, but to work
deliberately, knowing with certainty that God will never be defeated.
If our hopes seem to be experiencing disappointment right now, it
simply means that they are being purified. Every hope or dream of the
human mind will be fulfilled if it is noble and of God. But one of the
greatest stresses in life is the stress of waiting for God. He brings
fulfillment, “because you have kept My command to persevere . . .” (
Revelation 3:10).
Continue to persevere spiritually.
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