Has that breaking of my independence come? All the rest is religious
fraud. The one point to decide is— will I give up? Will I surrender to
Jesus Christ, placing no conditions whatsoever as to how the brokenness
will come? I must be broken from my own understanding of myself. When I
reach that point, immediately the reality of the supernatural
identification with Jesus Christ takes place. And the witness of the
Spirit of God is unmistakable— “I have been crucified with Christ . . .
The passion of Christianity comes from deliberately signing away my
own rights and becoming a bondservant of Jesus Christ. Until I do that, I
will not begin to be a saint.
One student a year who hears God’s call would be sufficient for God
to have called the Bible Training College into existence. This college
has no value as an organization, not even academically. Its sole value
for existence is for God to help Himself to lives. Will we allow Him to
help Himself to us, or are we more concerned with our own ideas of what
we are going to be?
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