The characteristics of individuality are independence and self-will.
We hinder our spiritual growth more than any other way by continually
asserting our individuality. If you say, “I can’t believe,” it is
because your individuality is blocking the way; individuality can never
believe. But our spirit cannot help believing. Watch yourself closely
when the Spirit of God is at work in you. He pushes you to the limits of
your individuality where a choice must be made. The choice is either to
say, “I will not surrender,” or to surrender, breaking the hard shell
of individuality, which allows the spiritual life to emerge. The Holy
Spirit narrows it down every time to one thing (see Matthew 5:23-24). It is your individuality that refuses to “be reconciled to your brother” (Matthew 5:24).
God wants to bring you into union with Himself, but unless you are
willing to give up your right to yourself, He cannot. “. . . let him
deny himself . . .”— deny his independent right to himself. Then the
real life-the spiritual life-is allowed the opportunity to grow.
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