Personality is the characteristic mark of the inner, spiritual man,
just as individuality is the characteristic of the outer, natural man.
Our Lord can never be described in terms of individuality and
independence, but only in terms of His total Person— “I and My Father
are one” (John 10:30).
Personality merges, and you only reach your true identity once you are
merged with another person. When love or the Spirit of God come upon a
person, he is transformed. He will then no longer insist on maintaining
his individuality. Our Lord never referred to a person’s individuality
or his isolated position, but spoke in terms of the total person— “. . .
that they may be one just as We are one . . . .” Once your rights to
yourself are surrendered to God, your true personal nature begins
responding to God immediately. Jesus Christ brings freedom to your total
person, and even your individuality is transformed. The transformation
is brought about by love— personal devotion to Jesus. Love is the
overflowing result of one person in true fellowship with another.
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