December 14, 2012

God’s mark of approval, whenever you obey Him, is peace. He sends an
immeasurable, deep peace; not a natural peace, “as the world gives,” but
the peace of Jesus. Whenever peace does not come, wait until it does,
or seek to find out why it is not coming. If you are acting on your own
impulse, or out of a sense of the heroic, to be seen by others, the
peace of Jesus will not exhibit itself. This shows no unity with God or
confidence in Him. The spirit of simplicity, clarity, and unity is born
through the Holy Spirit, not through your decisions. God counters our
self-willed decisions with an appeal for simplicity and unity.
My questions arise whenever I cease to obey. When I do obey God,
problems come, not between me and God, but as a means to keep my mind
examining with amazement the revealed truth of God. But any problem that
comes between God and myself is the result of disobedience. Any problem
that comes while I obey God (and there will be many), increases my
overjoyed delight, because I know that my Father knows and cares, and I
can watch and anticipate how He will unravel my problems.
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